In print, the studies and activities of the European Tissue Symposium have been covered in the following publications:
Tomorrow’s Cleaning (UK – general 2016)
Management & Krankenhaus (Germany – January 2016)
African Cleaning Review (South Africa – January 2016)
Tomorrow’s Cleaning (UK – March 2016)
Rationell Reinigen (Germany – April 2016)
European Cleaning Journal (UK – April 2016)
Empresa Y Limpieza (Spain – April 2016)
Tomorrow’s Cleaning – ETS Essay Competition (UK – April 2016)
Tomorrow’s Cleaning – ISSA/Interclean (UK – April 2016)
Tomorrow’s Cleaning – ISSA/Interclean Guide (UK – May 2016)
Labor Praxis (Germany – May 2016)
African Cleaning Review (South Africa – May 2016)
Cleanroom Technology (UK – May 2016)
ReinigungsMarkt (Germany – May 2016)
Cleaning Maintenance (International – May 2016)
Cleaning Matters (UK – May 2016)
Tomorrow’s Cleaning Virus study (UK – June 2016)
Tomorrow’s Cleaning – KC welcome results (UK June 2016)
Rationell Reinigen (Germany – July 2016)
Tomorrow’s Cleaning 10 Questions (UK – July 2016)
Tomorrow’s Cleaning – ISSA/Interclean Study (UK – July 2016)
Tomorrow’s Cleaning – ETS Vice Chairman (UK – July 2016)
Print Innovation Asia (Asia Singapore – July 2016)
ReinigungsMarkt (Germany – September 2016)
Papier + Technik (Germany – October 2016)
Tomorrow Laboratories (UK – October 2016)
European Cleaning Journal (Uk – Oct 2016)
Tomorrow Cleaning (UK – November 2016)
European Cleaning Journal (UK – Nov 2016)
The studies and activities of ETS were also covered online:
(some links may no longer work, depending on whether or not the publication has decided to take the page offline – thank you for letting us know if a link no longer works at
ETS presenta una nuova ricerca sull’asciugatura delle man |
link to GSANEWS page |
ETS Provides Key Tips To Be Healthy During Autumn And Winter | link to Wewunik page |
ETS Provides Key Tips To Be Healthy During Autumn And Winter | link to Anygator page |
ETS Provides Key Tips To Be Healthy During Autumn And Winter | link to Terrko Navigator page |
ETS Provides Key Tips To Be Healthy During Autumn And Winter | link to The Medical News page |
ETS underscores importance of proper hand drying alongside washing for maintaining optimal hygiene |
link to News Medical net page |
ETS underscores importance of proper hand drying alongside washing for maintaining optimal hygiene | link to Anygator page |
ETS underscores importance of proper hand drying alongside washing for maintaining optimal hygiene | link to Health Consumer page |
ETS underscores importance of proper hand drying alongside washing for maintaining optimal hygiene | link to BioPortfolio page |
ETS underscores importance of proper hand drying alongside washing for maintaining optimal hygiene | link to Tapatalk page |
ETS underscores importance of proper hand drying alongside washing for maintaining optimal hygiene | link to Health Medicine Network page |
Handwashing and hand drying go hand-in-hand for long-term health | link to Sofidel page |
手充满细菌吗?您是用烘手机还是擦手纸? |
link to Erhainews page |
European Tissue Association appoints Fanis Papakostas as Vice Chairman | link to Cleanroom Technology page |
¿Cuál es el método más higiénico para secarse las manos? | link to SinMordaza page |
¿Cuál es el método más higiénico para secarse las manos? | link to MDZ Online page |
¿Cuál es el método más higiénico para secarse las manos? | link to Infobae page |
Look who spreads germs in public toilets | link to Times of India page |
Look who spreads germs in public toilets (part 2) | link to Times of India page |
Fakta Mengejutkan Kebersihan Toilet Umum | link to VIVA news page |
Et au final, l’essuie-mains en papier reste supérieur aux autres modes de séchage des mains |
link to Le Blog d’Albert Amgar page |
Hand Dryer vs. Paper Towel: Which Is Cleaner? | link to Slate page |
Paperipyyhe vai käsienkuivain? – Verinen riita käynnissä, tutkimustulos voi riippua maksajasta | link to Uusi Suomi page |
It’s all in the friction: Hand dryers are germ-flinging BS | link to Barfblog page |
Big Tissue wants you to believe bathroom hand dryers spread disease. Here’s what science says. | link to VOX Media page |
Hand Dryers Are Germ-Flinging Bullshit
link to Jezebel page |
New ETS study analyses airborne microbe dispersal of hand drying methods
link to European Cleaning Journal page |
Keep It Clean After Washing Your Hands: Jet Hand Dryers May Spread 1,300 Times More Germs To Hands Than Paper Towels |
link to Medical Daily page |
You Might Want To Think Twice Before You Dip Your Hands In These Dryers | link to Godfruits page |
Handtrockner, 1300-mal keimiger als Handtücher | link to Die Welt pahe |
Research claims hand-dryers spread germs ‘up to 1,300 times’ more than paper towels | link to Morning Adviser page |
Why you really shouldn’t be using hand dryers (apparently) | link to Marie Claire page |
Wait, Are Hand Dryers Good or Bad? I Can’t Keep Track | link to Motherboard page |
고속 손건조기로 손 말렸을 뿐인데, 세균 확산의 주범?(연구) | link to NAVER page |
Brittitutkimus: Käsienkuivaaja levittää bakteereja jopa 1 300 kertaa paperipyyhettä tehokkaammin | link to Iltalehti page |
Toilet hand dryers spread more germs than paper towels: Study |
link to The Straits Times page |
High-powered hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels |
link to Tomonews page (incl. Video) |
Dyson Airblades spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels, tests reveal | link to The SUN page |
Kuivaatko kätesi näin? Tutkimus: Levittää bakteereja |
link to Taloussanomat page |
Dyson Airblades ‘spread germs 1300 times more than paper towels’ |
link to Free Republic post |
“다이슨 손건조기, 종이타올보다 1300배 더 세균 확산시켜”(英 연구) | link to the NAVER page |
Dyson Airblade hand-dryers spread 60 times more germs than standard air dryers: Study |
link to Domain-b page |
Handtrockner sind Keimschleudern | link to RP Online page |
Why You May Never Want to Use This Hand Dryer Again, According to New Study |
link to Nextshark page |
High-powered hand-dryers spread 60 times more germs than standard ones, study shows | link to the Irish SUN page |
Les essuie-mains à usage unique sont le moyen le plus hygiénique pour réduire le risque de transmission des virus lors du lavage de mains dans les sanitaire |
link to The Maitre Papetier page |
Two Sides debunk paper myths |
link to Printmonthly page |
L’essuie-mains à usage unique de préférence en papier recyclé garantit une hygiène efficace |
link to Hotel Econews page |
Bagni pubblici: ecco qual è il metodo più efficace e salutare per asciugarsi le mani | link to Meteoweb page |
Waspada Mesin Pengering Tangan di Toilet Umum |
link to the CITRA page |
Benarkah Mesin Pengering Tangan di Toilet Mal Justru Memicu Bakteri? | link to Tribun Jambi page |
Mesin Pengering Tangan di Toilet Ternyata Penyebar Bakteri |
link to Bangka Pos page |
Bahaya! Mesin Pengering Tangan di Toilet Umum Penyebar Bakteri | link to Tribun Hasehatan page |
Seminar programme revealed for ISSA/INTERCLEAN Amsterdam 2016 | link to Cleaning Matters page |
Sustainability, technology, innovation and opportunity: take your seat at an ISSA/Interclean Amsterdam 2016 seminar! | link to Cleanzine page |
Turns out drying your hands using this “hygienic” dryer is actually gross |
link to Cosmopolitan page |
Que faut-il (vraiment) retenir des études sur les sèche-mains et les bactéries ? |
Link to Sciences Avenir page |
Handtrockner pusten laut Studie Keimmassen durch die Luft |
Link to Berliner Morgenpost page |
Hot-air Hand Dryers ‘Worst’ at Spreading Germs Than Paper Towels- Study |
Link to HealthNewsline page |
Dyson Airblades or paper towels: which is more hygienic? |
Link to The Guardian page |
Hand drying with single-use towels is least likely to spread viruses |
Link to Cleanroom Technology page |
Dyson vs Big Paper Towel: the battle over hand-drying hygiene | Link to The Verge page |
ETS to participate at ISSA/Interclean 2016 | Link to Cleanzine page |
Fourth year medical student takes top prize in ETS 2015 Essay Competition | Link to Cleanroom Tchnology page |
Hand drying with single-use towels least likely to spread viruses |
Link to BBH (Building Better Healthcare) page |
Studie zum Händetrocknen zeigt Präverenz für Papiertücher | Link to SI-SHK (das Fachmagazine fur SHK Unternehmer) page |
9 personnes sur 10 préfèrent les essuie-mains en papier aux sèche-mains à air pulsé dans les sanitaires publics |
Link to Hotel Econews page |
Communiqué : 9 personnes sur 10 préfèrent les essuie-mains en papier aux sèche-mains à air pulsé dans les sanitaires publics |
Link to Tendance Hotellerie juillet page |
Ręczniki nad suszarkami |
Link to Hotelarz page |
La mayoría prefiere secarse las manos con toallas de papel |
Link to Restauraciòn News page |
La mayoría de los usuarios prefieren las toallas de papel a los secadores de manos de aire |
Link to Indisa page |
Communiqué : Le séchage avec un essuie-mains à usage unique est le moyen le moins susceptible de propager les virus | Link to Tendance Hotellerie Avril page |
Medical student scoops top essay prize | Link to International Innovation page |
ETS bereidt zich voor op ISSA/Interclean | Link to Facility Wereld page |
Bathroom hand dryers spread 1300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to MSN Lifestyle page |
Le sèche-main : un vrai nid à bactérie | Link to Metronews page |
ETS provides key tips to be healthy during autumn and winter |
Link to Health Medicine Network page |
ETS provides key tips to be healthy during autumn and winter (Go for paper towels when drying hands to help keep the bugs at bay) |
Link to News Medical Life Sciences page |
ETS underscores importance of proper hand drying alongside washing for maintaining optimal hygiene | Link to News Medical Life Sciences page |
ETS underscores importance of proper hand drying alongside washing for maintaining optimal hygiene|Health Consumer |
Link to Health Consumers Page |
European Tissue Symposium (ETS): Bestmögliche Hygiene mit Einweghandtüchern (Video) |
Link to Reinigungs Markt page |
ETS appoints Fanis Papakostas as Vice Chairman | Link to Reinigungs Markt page |
Daarom gebruik je zo’n high-speed handdroger beter niet |
Link to Flair populair page |
¿Los secadores de chorro propagan más bacterias? | Link to Noticias Venezuela page |
【趣味科普】噴射式乾手機 播菌多過紙巾千倍 (includes very nice VIDEO) |
Link to HK Apple Nextmedia page |
Are Hand Dryers As Hygienic As We Think? Perhaps Not, Says Study | Link to Newseveryday page |
Asciugamani ad aria automatici sono un rischio per la nostra salute? Sarebbero pericolosi anche per i più piccoli | Link to UrbanPost page |
Asciugamani ad aria Dyson: secondo i ricercatori sono un ricettacolo di batteri | Link to Diariodelweb Salute page |
Asciugamani Dyson, gli scienziati: “È una bomba batteriologica” | Link to Il Giornale page |
Asciugamani Dyson, gli scienziati: È una bomba batteriologica | Link to Intopic page |
Attenzione agli asciugamani ad aria nei locali: mettono a rischio la vostra salute! | Link to ELLE page |
Attenzione agli asciugamani elettrici nei bagni pubblici | Link to Viagginews page |
Bad News About Those Fancy ‘Jet Air’ Hand Dryers | Link to the Huffington Post page |
Do Dyson hand dryers actually spread more germs? | Link to WIVB page and video |
Dyson Airblade Hits The Fan: New Research Slams Hand Dryers | Link to Onenewspage page |
Dyson Airblade in der Kritik: Doch nicht so hygienisch? | Link to Yahoo Nachrichten page |
Dyson Airblade spreads more germs than paper towels, according to new study | Link to Fiveaa Adelaide page |
Dyson Airblade, asciugamani sotto accusa: “Bomba di batteri” |
Link to Blitzquotidiano page |
Dyson Airblades “germi 1.300 di diffusione cronometra gli asciugamani più di carta„ | Link to InformaticauntantoalKilo page |
Dyson Airblades ‘Spread Germs 1,300 Times More Than Paper Towels’ | Link to Science Slashdot discussion blog |
Dyson Airblades are great for drying hands, but even better for spreading viruses | Link to Trueviranews page |
Dyson Airblades or paper towels: which is more hygienic? | Link to RichardHartley page |
Dyson Airblades or paper towels: which is more hygienic? | Link to Naija Update page |
‘Dyson Airblades spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels’ | Link to Independent page |
Dyson Airblades Spread 1,300 Times More Germs Than Paper Towels, Says Study | Link to Yahoo UK page |
Dyson Dryers Are The Dirtiest Among All Dryers: Airblade Spreads Virus, Germs 60 Times More (it includes a TOMO video) | Link to Counsel and Heal Page |
Dyson hand dryer spread 1300 time more germs than paper towels | Link to The Southafrican Page |
Dyson hand dryers spread 1300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to Steelers Lounge Page |
Dyson Hand Dryers Spread Germs 1300 More Times Than Paper Towels, University of Westminster Study | Link to Biospace page |
Dyson Hand Dryers Spread More Germs Than Paper Towels | Link to Lidtime page |
Dyson hand-dryer spreads more germs than paper towels, study finds | Link to the Sunday Times page |
Ecco perché usare questi asciugamani ad aria mette a rischio la vostra salute | Link to Tech Fanpage page |
El motivo por el que deberías dejar de usar estos secadores de manos | Link to Yahoo Spain page |
Esta es la razón por la que no deberías secarte las manos con esas máquinas de aire a propulsión de los baños públicos | Link to VIX Batanga page |
Estudio afirma que los secadores para manos no son tan higiénicos como parecen | Link to Nuevo Diario Web page |
Evitate gli asciugamani elettronici degli aeroporti. Sono un ricettacolo di germi | Link a Si Viaggia page |
Germaphobes will not like this news about everyone’s favourite hand dryer | Link to Her page |
Hand Dryers Spread More Germs than Paper Towels, Study Finds | Link to I4U News page |
Hand Dryers Spread The Viruses That You Failed To Wash Off | Link to Adequateman Deadspin page |
Handtrockner pusten laut Studie Keimmassen durch die Luft | Link to Hamburger Abendblatt page |
Handtrockner pusten laut Studie Keimmassen durch die Luft | Link to Der Westen page |
Handtrockner sind unhygienisch und wahre Bakterienschleudern | Link to Frauenzimmer page |
Hevder disse lufttørkerne er de mest hygieniske. Forskerne mener den sprer 1300 ganger mer virus enn papir | Link to Dagbladet page |
High-powered jet dryers spread 1300 more germs than paper towels (includes TOMO video) | Link to JacarandaFM page |
Hygiène : le sèche-main à air pulsé propage un grand nombre de bactéries | Link to Topsanté page |
Hygiène: ces sèche-mains modernes qui propageraient des bactéries | Link to Francesoir page |
If You Use Those Hand Dryers In Bathrooms, You Might Be Harming Yourself | Link to Elite Daily page |
Jet hand dryers might dry your hands super fast but could make others around you sick | Link to MaineNewsOnline Page |
L’asciugamani Dyson è una bomba batteriologica | Link ti Wired page |
L’asciugamani Dyson è una bomba batteriologica | Link to Secolo Nuovo page |
L’allarme degli scienziati: “L’asciugatore ad aria Dyson è una bomba batteriologica” | Link to page |
L’asciugamano Dyson? Tutt’altro che igienico: diffonde i germi 60 volte di più | Link to Leggo page |
Major womp: new study says hand dryers are spreading more than just hot air | Link to Rare page |
Pesquisa revela que secadores de mão à vapor espalham 1.300 vezes mais bactérias | Link to Cidade Verde. page |
Porque no usar los secadores de manos en los baños publicos | Link to Taringa page |
Pourquoi devriez-vous cesser d’utiliser ces sèche-mains? | Link to Sympatico page |
Public Restroom Hand-Dryers Have a Very Dirty Secret, According to New Study | Link to Fooyoh page |
Scientists Think Those Fancy Hand Dryers Are Basically Germ Factories | Link to ELLE Australia page |
Secador de mãos é pior do que toalha de papel e espalha H1N1 | Link to Blogdobg page |
Secador de mãos é pior do que toalha de papel e espalha H1N1 | Link to Exame page |
Secador de mãos é pior do que toalha de papel e espalha H1N1 | Link to Gamesareasocial page |
Secador de mãos espalha H1NI mais do que toalha de papel | Link to Meionorte page |
Secador de mãos pode espalhar H1N1 | Link to Diarioonline page |
Sometimes, Cutting Edge Isn’t So Great | Link to Aeramax page |
Stop! Don’t Use These Hand Dryers | Link to ABCNewsPoint page |
Studies Reveal Dyson Hand Dryers Spread More Germs Than Paper Towels | Link to Irish Medical News page |
Study reveals shocking reason you may want to avoid high-speed hand dryers | Link to AOL News page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to Jesse Jones page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to KMRG page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to Journal-News page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to Access Atlanta page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to Kono 1011 page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to Journal-News page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to WSB TV Atlanta page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to HITS 97.3 page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to MyDaytonDailyNews page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to Austin 360 page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to X1029 page |
Study says jet hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to SFGATE page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to WHIO page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to WOKV page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link Houston Eagle page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to MyMagic949 page |
Questo asciugamani è una bomba di batteri. L’allarme degli scienziati: cosa rischiate | Link to Libero page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to WPXI News page |
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to WFTV page |
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to Action News Jak page |
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to FOX 13 Memphis page |
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to FOX 25 Boston page |
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to KIRO 7 page |
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to Magic 1053 page |
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to News965 page |
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to KISS 104.1 FM page |
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to WSB Radio page |
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to AJC page |
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to Springfield News Sun page |
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to WGAU Radio |
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to Statesman page |
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to Palmbeach Post |
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to WSOCTV page |
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to FOX 30 JAX page |
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to FOX 23 News page |
Study Says Jet-Drying Technology Spreads Infectious Agents Further Than Paper Towels | link to THAFCC page |
Study Says Jet-Drying Technology Spreads Infectious Agents Further Than Paper Towels | Link to Stamford Advocate page |
Study Says Jet-Drying Technology Spreads Infectious Agents Further Than Paper Towels | Link to Greenwich Time page |
Study Says Jet-Drying Technology Spreads Infectious Agents Further Than Paper Towels | Link to CTPOST page |
Study Says Jet-Drying Technology Spreads Infectious Agents Further Than Paper Towels | Link to NewsTimes page |
Study Says Jet-Drying Technology Spreads Infectious Agents Further Than Paper Towels | Link to MySanAntonio News page |
Study Says Jet-Drying Technology Spreads Infectious Agents Further Than Paper Towels | Link to Entrepreneur page |
Study: ‘Jet’ Hand Dryers Act Like Virus Hand Grenades | Link to YourSouthEastTexas page |
Study: ‘Jet’ Hand Dryers Act Like Virus Hand Grenades | Link to ABC Radio |
Study: Dyson Airblade Hand Dryer Spreads 1,300 Times More Bacteria Than Paper Towels | Link to Breibart page |
Study: Dyson Airblade hand dryers spread 60 times more viruses than regular dryers | Link to Perfscience page |
Study: Dyson hand dryers spread 1300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to WJHL page |
Study: Dyson hand dryers spread more germs than paper towels, other dryers | Link to UnitedPressInternational page |
Infection Control & Clinical Quality – Study: High-powered hand dryers could be less hygienic than paper towels: 4 thoughts |
Link to Beckers ASC page |
Study: Jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to Concierge Medicine Today page |
Study: Jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels | Link to CLARK page |
Study: ‘Jet’ Hand Dryers Act Like Virus Hand Grenades | Link to WBAL page |
Study: Jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels (includes short Video) | Link to WPXI page |
The “Viral Bomb” You Need to Avoid in Public Bathrooms Always | Link to Good Housekeeping page |
The Dyson Airblade is Basically a Virus Catapult” | Link to FORTUNE page |
The Truth About Hand Dryers: Do They Pass On More Germs Than Average Paper Towels? | Link to TECH Times page |
These Hand Dryers Spray Poop All Over Your Body | Link to Vocativ page |
Think twice when you choose between jet hand dryer and paper towels to dry your hands | Link to Perfscience page |
Those Fancy Dyson Hand Dryers Spread Way More Germs Than Paper Towels | Link to NEVA Info page |
Those Fancy Dyson Hand Dryers Spread Way More Germs Than Paper Towels | Link to VICE page |
Turns Out These Bathroom Hand Dryers Detonate a Blast of Germs | Link to Travel+Leisure page |
University Westminster Study Reveals That High-powered Hand Dryers Could Be Less Hygienic than Low-powered Dryers and Paper Towels | Link to Verticals page |
University Westminster Study Reveals That High-powered Hand Dryers Could Be Less Hygienic than Low-powered Dryers and Paper Towels | Link to Dark Daily page |
Using A Dyson Hand Dryer Is Like Setting Off A Viral Bomb In A Bathroom | Link to SELF page |
Using a Dyson hand dryer is like setting off a viral bomb in a bathroom | Link to Arstechnica page |
Using a Dyson hand dryer is like setting off a viral bomb in a bathroom [Updated] |
Link to Trueviralnews page |
Using a Dyson hand dryer is like setting off a viral bomb in a bathroom [Updated] | Link to Kopitiam Bot page |
Virusbombe in öffentlichen Toiletten: Studie belegt: Einen Händetrockner zu benutzen, gleicht einem Hygiene-Infarkt (includes Video) | Link to FOCUS page |
What’s the most hygienic way to dry your hands? | Link to Econotimes page |
Why You Need To Stop Using These Hand Dryers | Link to IFL Science page |
Why You Should Stop Using These Hand Dryers In Public Restrooms | Link to Sensasi Selebriti page |
Why you shouldn’t use Dyson Airblades | Link to Women Weekly Australia page |
Wie hygienisch sind Händetrockner? | Link to page |
You’ll never want to use a hand dryer again | Link to HER page |
You’ll Want To Stop Using These Sleek Hand Dryers For The Sake Of Good Hygiene | Link to Starpulse page |
ダイソンのハンドドライヤーはペーパータオル使用時の1300倍もウイルスを放出してしまっていることが研究で判明 | Link to Gunosi Page |
ダイソンのハンドドライヤーはペーパータオル使用時の1300倍もウイルスを放出してしまっていることが研究で判明 | Link to Livedoor page |
ダイソンのハンドドライヤーはペーパータオル使用時の1300倍もウイルスを放出してしまっていることが研究で判明 | Link to Gigazine page |
Dyson blasts unhygienic hand dryer reports as full of hot air |
Link to The Washington Times page |
BTW, did you check out the animated video we did on the Keith Redway studies? Click here to discover the best way to hygienically dry your hands.