In print, the studies and activities of the European Tissue Symposium have been covered in the following publications: 


The studies and activities of ETS were also covered online: 
(some links may no longer work, depending on whether or not the publication has decided to take the page offline – thank you for letting us know if a link no longer works at

ETS presenta una nuova ricerca sull’asciugatura delle man

link to GSANEWS page
 ETS Provides Key Tips To Be Healthy During Autumn And Winter  link to Wewunik page
 ETS Provides Key Tips To Be Healthy During Autumn And Winter  link to Anygator page
 ETS Provides Key Tips To Be Healthy During Autumn And Winter  link to Terrko Navigator page
 ETS Provides Key Tips To Be Healthy During Autumn And Winter  link to The Medical News page

ETS underscores importance of proper hand drying alongside washing for maintaining optimal hygiene

link to News Medical net page
ETS underscores importance of proper hand drying alongside washing for maintaining optimal hygiene link to Anygator page
 ETS underscores importance of proper hand drying alongside washing for maintaining optimal hygiene  link to Health Consumer page
 ETS underscores importance of proper hand drying alongside washing for maintaining optimal hygiene  link to BioPortfolio page
 ETS underscores importance of proper hand drying alongside washing for maintaining optimal hygiene  link to Tapatalk page
 ETS underscores importance of proper hand drying alongside washing for maintaining optimal hygiene  link to Health Medicine Network page
 Handwashing and hand drying go hand-in-hand for long-term health  link to Sofidel page


link to Erhainews page 
 European Tissue Association appoints Fanis Papakostas as Vice Chairman  link to Cleanroom Technology page
 ¿Cuál es el método más higiénico para secarse las manos?  link to SinMordaza page
 ¿Cuál es el método más higiénico para secarse las manos?  link to MDZ Online page
  ¿Cuál es el método más higiénico para secarse las manos?  link to Infobae page
 Look who spreads germs in public toilets  link to Times of India page
 Look who spreads germs in public toilets (part 2) link to Times of India page
 Fakta Mengejutkan Kebersihan Toilet Umum  link to VIVA news page

Et au final, l’essuie-mains en papier reste supérieur aux autres modes de séchage des mains

link to Le Blog d’Albert Amgar page
 Hand Dryer vs. Paper Towel: Which Is Cleaner?  link to Slate page
 Paperipyyhe vai käsienkuivain? – Verinen riita käynnissä, tutkimustulos voi riippua maksajasta  link to Uusi Suomi page
 It’s all in the friction: Hand dryers are germ-flinging BS  link to Barfblog page
 Big Tissue wants you to believe bathroom hand dryers spread disease. Here’s what science says.  link to VOX Media page 
 Hand Dryers Are Germ-Flinging Bullshit
link to Jezebel page
New ETS study analyses airborne microbe dispersal of hand drying methods
link to European Cleaning Journal page

Keep It Clean After Washing Your Hands: Jet Hand Dryers May Spread 1,300 Times More Germs To Hands Than Paper Towels

link to Medical Daily page
 You Might Want To Think Twice Before You Dip Your Hands In These Dryers  link to Godfruits page
 Handtrockner, 1300-mal keimiger als Handtücher  link to Die Welt pahe
Research claims hand-dryers spread germs ‘up to 1,300 times’ more than paper towels  link to Morning Adviser page
 Why you really shouldn’t be using hand dryers (apparently)  link to Marie Claire page
 Wait, Are Hand Dryers Good or Bad? I Can’t Keep Track  link to Motherboard page
 고속 손건조기로 손 말렸을 뿐인데, 세균 확산의 주범?(연구)  link to NAVER page
 Brittitutkimus: Käsienkuivaaja levittää bakteereja jopa 1 300 kertaa paperipyyhettä tehokkaammin  link to Iltalehti page

Toilet hand dryers spread more germs than paper towels: Study

link to The Straits Times page

High-powered hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels

link to Tomonews page (incl. Video)
Dyson Airblades spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels, tests reveal link to The SUN page

Kuivaatko kätesi näin? Tutkimus: Levittää bakteereja

link to Taloussanomat page

Dyson Airblades ‘spread germs 1300 times more than paper towels’ 

link to Free Republic post
 “다이슨 손건조기, 종이타올보다 1300배 더 세균 확산시켜”(英 연구)  link to the NAVER page

Dyson Airblade hand-dryers spread 60 times more germs than standard air dryers: Study

link to Domain-b page
Handtrockner sind Keimschleudern  link to RP Online page

Why You May Never Want to Use This Hand Dryer Again, According to New Study

link to Nextshark page
High-powered hand-dryers spread 60 times more germs than standard ones, study shows  link to the Irish SUN page

Les essuie-mains à usage unique sont le moyen le plus hygiénique pour réduire le risque de transmission des virus lors du lavage de mains dans les sanitaire

link to The Maitre Papetier page

Two Sides debunk paper myths

link to Printmonthly page

L’essuie-mains à usage unique de préférence en papier recyclé garantit une hygiène efficace

link to Hotel Econews page
Bagni pubblici: ecco qual è il metodo più efficace e salutare per asciugarsi le mani link to Meteoweb page

Waspada Mesin Pengering Tangan di Toilet Umum

link to the CITRA page
 Benarkah Mesin Pengering Tangan di Toilet Mal Justru Memicu Bakteri?  link to Tribun Jambi page

Mesin Pengering Tangan di Toilet Ternyata Penyebar Bakteri

link to Bangka Pos page
 Bahaya! Mesin Pengering Tangan di Toilet Umum Penyebar Bakteri  link to Tribun Hasehatan page
 Seminar programme revealed for ISSA/INTERCLEAN Amsterdam 2016  link to Cleaning Matters page
 Sustainability, technology, innovation and opportunity: take your seat at an ISSA/Interclean Amsterdam 2016 seminar!  link to Cleanzine page

Turns out drying your hands using this “hygienic” dryer is actually gross

link to Cosmopolitan page

Que faut-il (vraiment) retenir des études sur les sèche-mains et les bactéries ?

Link to Sciences Avenir page

Handtrockner pusten laut Studie Keimmassen durch die Luft

Link to Berliner Morgenpost page

Hot-air Hand Dryers ‘Worst’ at Spreading Germs Than Paper Towels- Study

Link to HealthNewsline page

Dyson Airblades or paper towels: which is more hygienic?

Link to The Guardian page

Hand drying with single-use towels is least likely to spread viruses

Link to Cleanroom Technology page
Dyson vs Big Paper Towel: the battle over hand-drying hygiene  Link to The Verge page
ETS to participate at ISSA/Interclean 2016  Link to Cleanzine page
 Fourth year medical student takes top prize in ETS 2015 Essay Competition  Link to Cleanroom Tchnology page

Hand drying with single-use towels least likely to spread viruses

 Link to BBH (Building Better Healthcare) page
 Studie zum Händetrocknen zeigt Präverenz für Papiertücher  Link to SI-SHK (das Fachmagazine fur SHK Unternehmer) page

 9 personnes sur 10 préfèrent les essuie-mains en papier aux sèche-mains à air pulsé dans les sanitaires publics

 Link to Hotel Econews page

Communiqué : 9 personnes sur 10 préfèrent les essuie-mains en papier aux sèche-mains à air pulsé dans les sanitaires publics

Link to Tendance Hotellerie juillet page

Ręczniki nad suszarkami

Link to Hotelarz page

La mayoría prefiere secarse las manos con toallas de papel

Link to Restauraciòn News page

La mayoría de los usuarios prefieren las toallas de papel a los secadores de manos de aire

 Link to Indisa page
 Communiqué : Le séchage avec un essuie-mains à usage unique est le moyen le moins susceptible de propager les virus  Link to Tendance Hotellerie Avril page
 Medical student scoops top essay prize  Link to International Innovation page
 ETS bereidt zich voor op ISSA/Interclean  Link to Facility Wereld page
 Bathroom hand dryers spread 1300 times more germs than paper towels  Link to MSN Lifestyle page
 Le sèche-main : un vrai nid à bactérie  Link to Metronews page

ETS provides key tips to be healthy during autumn and winter

 Link to Health Medicine

ETS provides key tips to be healthy during autumn and winter (Go for paper towels when drying hands to help keep the bugs at bay)

 Link to News Medical Life
 ETS underscores importance of proper hand drying alongside washing for maintaining optimal hygiene  Link to News Medical Life

ETS underscores importance of proper hand drying alongside washing for maintaining optimal hygiene|Health Consumer

 Link to Health Consumers Page

European Tissue Symposium (ETS): Bestmögliche Hygiene mit Einweghandtüchern (Video)

Link to Reinigungs Markt page
 ETS appoints Fanis Papakostas as Vice Chairman  Link to Reinigungs Markt page

Daarom gebruik je zo’n high-speed handdroger beter niet

 Link to Flair populair page
¿Los secadores de chorro propagan más bacterias? Link to Noticias Venezuela page

【趣味科普】噴射式乾手機 播菌多過紙巾千倍  (includes very nice VIDEO)

Link to HK Apple Nextmedia page
 Are Hand Dryers As Hygienic As We Think? Perhaps Not, Says Study  Link to Newseveryday page
 Asciugamani ad aria automatici sono un rischio per la nostra salute? Sarebbero pericolosi anche per i più piccoli  Link to UrbanPost page 
 Asciugamani ad aria Dyson: secondo i ricercatori sono un ricettacolo di batteri  Link to Diariodelweb Salute page
 Asciugamani Dyson, gli scienziati: “È una bomba batteriologica”  Link to Il Giornale page
 Asciugamani Dyson, gli scienziati: È una bomba batteriologica  Link to Intopic page
 Attenzione agli asciugamani ad aria nei locali: mettono a rischio la vostra salute!  Link to ELLE page
 Attenzione agli asciugamani elettrici nei bagni pubblici  Link to Viagginews page
 Bad News About Those Fancy ‘Jet Air’ Hand Dryers  Link to the Huffington Post page 
 Do Dyson hand dryers actually spread more germs?  Link to WIVB page and video
 Dyson Airblade Hits The Fan: New Research Slams Hand Dryers  Link to Onenewspage page
 Dyson Airblade in der Kritik: Doch nicht so hygienisch?  Link to Yahoo Nachrichten page
 Dyson Airblade spreads more germs than paper towels, according to new study  Link to Fiveaa Adelaide page

Dyson Airblade, asciugamani sotto accusa: “Bomba di batteri”

 Link to Blitzquotidiano page
 Dyson Airblades “germi 1.300 di diffusione cronometra gli asciugamani più di carta„  Link to InformaticauntantoalKilo page
 Dyson Airblades ‘Spread Germs 1,300 Times More Than Paper Towels’  Link to Science Slashdot discussion blog
 Dyson Airblades are great for drying hands, but even better for spreading viruses   Link to Trueviranews page
 Dyson Airblades or paper towels: which is more hygienic?  Link to RichardHartley page
Dyson Airblades or paper towels: which is more hygienic? Link to Naija Update page
‘Dyson Airblades spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels’ Link to Independent page
Dyson Airblades Spread 1,300 Times More Germs Than Paper Towels, Says Study Link to Yahoo UK page 
 Dyson Dryers Are The Dirtiest Among All Dryers: Airblade Spreads Virus, Germs 60 Times More (it includes a TOMO video)  Link to Counsel and Heal Page
 Dyson hand dryer spread 1300 time more germs than paper towels  Link to The Southafrican Page
 Dyson hand dryers spread 1300 times more germs than paper towels  Link to Steelers Lounge Page
 Dyson Hand Dryers Spread Germs 1300 More Times Than Paper Towels, University of Westminster Study  Link to Biospace page
 Dyson Hand Dryers Spread More Germs Than Paper Towels  Link to Lidtime page
 Dyson hand-dryer spreads more germs than paper towels, study finds  Link to the Sunday Times page
 Ecco perché usare questi asciugamani ad aria mette a rischio la vostra salute  Link to Tech Fanpage page 
 El motivo por el que deberías dejar de usar estos secadores de manos  Link to Yahoo Spain page
 Esta es la razón por la que no deberías secarte las manos con esas máquinas de aire a propulsión de los baños públicos  Link to VIX Batanga page
 Estudio afirma que los secadores para manos no son tan higiénicos como parecen  Link to Nuevo Diario Web page
 Evitate gli asciugamani elettronici degli aeroporti. Sono un ricettacolo di germi  Link a Si Viaggia page 
Germaphobes will not like this news about everyone’s favourite hand dryer Link to Her page
Hand Dryers Spread More Germs than Paper Towels, Study Finds Link to I4U News page
Hand Dryers Spread The Viruses That You Failed To Wash Off Link to Adequateman Deadspin page
Handtrockner pusten laut Studie Keimmassen durch die Luft Link to Hamburger Abendblatt page
Handtrockner pusten laut Studie Keimmassen durch die Luft Link to Der Westen page
Handtrockner sind unhygienisch und wahre Bakterienschleudern Link to Frauenzimmer page
Hevder disse lufttørkerne er de mest hygieniske. Forskerne mener den sprer 1300 ganger mer virus enn papir Link to Dagbladet page
High-powered jet dryers spread 1300 more germs than paper towels (includes TOMO video) Link to JacarandaFM page
Hygiène : le sèche-main à air pulsé propage un grand nombre de bactéries Link to Topsanté page
 Hygiène: ces sèche-mains modernes qui propageraient des bactéries  Link to Francesoir page
If You Use Those Hand Dryers In Bathrooms, You Might Be Harming Yourself Link to Elite Daily page
Jet hand dryers might dry your hands super fast but could make others around you sick Link to MaineNewsOnline Page
L’asciugamani Dyson è una bomba batteriologica Link ti Wired page
L’asciugamani Dyson è una bomba batteriologica Link to Secolo Nuovo page
L’allarme degli scienziati: “L’asciugatore ad aria Dyson è una bomba batteriologica” Link to page
L’asciugamano Dyson? Tutt’altro che igienico: diffonde i germi 60 volte di più Link to Leggo page
Major womp: new study says hand dryers are spreading more than just hot air Link to Rare page
Pesquisa revela que secadores de mão à vapor espalham 1.300 vezes mais bactérias Link to Cidade Verde. page
Porque no usar los secadores de manos en los baños publicos Link to Taringa page
Pourquoi devriez-vous cesser d’utiliser ces sèche-mains? Link to Sympatico page
Public Restroom Hand-Dryers Have a Very Dirty Secret, According to New Study Link to Fooyoh page
 Scientists Think Those Fancy Hand Dryers Are Basically Germ Factories  Link to ELLE Australia page
 Secador de mãos é pior do que toalha de papel e espalha H1N1  Link to Blogdobg page
Secador de mãos é pior do que toalha de papel e espalha H1N1 Link to Exame page
Secador de mãos é pior do que toalha de papel e espalha H1N1 Link to Gamesareasocial page
Secador de mãos espalha H1NI mais do que toalha de papel Link to Meionorte page
Secador de mãos pode espalhar H1N1 Link to Diarioonline page
Sometimes, Cutting Edge Isn’t So Great Link to Aeramax page 
Stop! Don’t Use These Hand Dryers Link to ABCNewsPoint page
 Studies Reveal Dyson Hand Dryers Spread More Germs Than Paper Towels  Link to Irish Medical News page 
 Study reveals shocking reason you may want to avoid high-speed hand dryers  Link to AOL News page
 Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels  Link to Jesse Jones page
 Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels  Link to KMRG page
 Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels  Link to Journal-News page
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to Access Atlanta page
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to Kono 1011 page
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to Journal-News page
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to WSB TV Atlanta page
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to HITS 97.3 page  
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to MyDaytonDailyNews page
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to Austin 360 page
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to X1029 page
Study says jet hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to SFGATE page
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to WHIO page
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to WOKV page
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link Houston Eagle page 
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to MyMagic949 page
Questo asciugamani è una bomba di batteri. L’allarme degli scienziati: cosa rischiate Link to Libero page
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to WPXI News page
Study says jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to WFTV page
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to Action News Jak page 
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to FOX 13 Memphis page
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to FOX 25 Boston page
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to KIRO 7 page
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to Magic 1053 page
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to News965 page
 Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels  Link to KISS 104.1 FM page
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to WSB Radio page
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to AJC page
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to Springfield News Sun  page
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to WGAU Radio
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to Statesman page
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to Palmbeach Post
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to WSOCTV page
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to FOX 30 JAX page
Study says jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels Link to FOX 23 News page
Study Says Jet-Drying Technology Spreads Infectious Agents Further Than Paper Towels link to THAFCC page
Study Says Jet-Drying Technology Spreads Infectious Agents Further Than Paper Towels Link to Stamford Advocate page
Study Says Jet-Drying Technology Spreads Infectious Agents Further Than Paper Towels Link to Greenwich Time page
Study Says Jet-Drying Technology Spreads Infectious Agents Further Than Paper Towels Link to CTPOST page
Study Says Jet-Drying Technology Spreads Infectious Agents Further Than Paper Towels Link to NewsTimes page
Study Says Jet-Drying Technology Spreads Infectious Agents Further Than Paper Towels Link to MySanAntonio News page
Study Says Jet-Drying Technology Spreads Infectious Agents Further Than Paper Towels Link to Entrepreneur page 
Study: ‘Jet’ Hand Dryers Act Like Virus Hand Grenades Link to YourSouthEastTexas page 
Study: ‘Jet’ Hand Dryers Act Like Virus Hand Grenades Link to ABC Radio
Study: Dyson Airblade Hand Dryer Spreads 1,300 Times More Bacteria Than Paper Towels Link to Breibart page
 Study: Dyson Airblade hand dryers spread 60 times more viruses than regular dryers  Link to Perfscience page
 Study: Dyson hand dryers spread 1300 times more germs than paper towels  Link to WJHL page
 Study: Dyson hand dryers spread more germs than paper towels, other dryers  Link to UnitedPressInternational page

Infection Control & Clinical Quality  – Study: High-powered hand dryers could be less hygienic than paper towels: 4 thoughts

 Link to Beckers ASC page
 Study: Jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels  Link to Concierge Medicine Today page
 Study: Jet air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels  Link to CLARK page
 Study: ‘Jet’ Hand Dryers Act Like Virus Hand Grenades  Link to WBAL page
 Study: Jet-air hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels (includes short Video)  Link to WPXI page
 The “Viral Bomb” You Need to Avoid in Public Bathrooms Always  Link to Good Housekeeping page
The Dyson Airblade is Basically a Virus Catapult” Link to FORTUNE page
The Truth About Hand Dryers: Do They Pass On More Germs Than Average Paper Towels? Link to TECH Times page
These Hand Dryers Spray Poop All Over Your Body Link to Vocativ page
Think twice when you choose between jet hand dryer and paper towels to dry your hands Link to Perfscience page
Those Fancy Dyson Hand Dryers Spread Way More Germs Than Paper Towels Link to NEVA Info page
Those Fancy Dyson Hand Dryers Spread Way More Germs Than Paper Towels Link to VICE page
 Turns Out These Bathroom Hand Dryers Detonate a Blast of Germs  Link to Travel+Leisure page
University Westminster Study Reveals That High-powered Hand Dryers Could Be Less Hygienic than Low-powered Dryers and Paper Towels Link to Verticals page
University Westminster Study Reveals That High-powered Hand Dryers Could Be Less Hygienic than Low-powered Dryers and Paper Towels Link to Dark Daily page
Using A Dyson Hand Dryer Is Like Setting Off A Viral Bomb In A Bathroom Link to SELF page
Using a Dyson hand dryer is like setting off a viral bomb in a bathroom Link to Arstechnica page
Using a Dyson hand dryer is like setting off a viral bomb in a bathroom
Link to Trueviralnews page
 Using a Dyson hand dryer is like setting off a viral bomb in a bathroom [Updated]  Link to Kopitiam Bot page
Virusbombe in öffentlichen Toiletten: Studie belegt: Einen Händetrockner zu benutzen, gleicht einem Hygiene-Infarkt (includes Video) Link to FOCUS page 
What’s the most hygienic way to dry your hands? Link to Econotimes page
 Why You Need To Stop Using These Hand Dryers  Link to IFL Science page
 Why You Should Stop Using These Hand Dryers In Public Restrooms  Link to Sensasi Selebriti page
Why you shouldn’t use Dyson Airblades Link to Women Weekly Australia page
Wie hygienisch sind Händetrockner? Link to page
You’ll never want to use a hand dryer again Link to HER page
You’ll Want To Stop Using These Sleek Hand Dryers For The Sake Of Good Hygiene Link to Starpulse page
ダイソンのハンドドライヤーはペーパータオル使用時の1300倍もウイルスを放出してしまっていることが研究で判明 Link to Gunosi Page
ダイソンのハンドドライヤーはペーパータオル使用時の1300倍もウイルスを放出してしまっていることが研究で判明 Link to Livedoor page
 ダイソンのハンドドライヤーはペーパータオル使用時の1300倍もウイルスを放出してしまっていることが研究で判明  Link to Gigazine page

Dyson blasts unhygienic hand dryer reports as full of hot air

 Link to The Washington Times page

BTW, did you check out the animated video we did on the Keith Redway studies? Click here to discover the best way to hygienically dry your hands.