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28 07, 2015

The successful ETS participation at ICPIC 2015 Geneva


ICPIC is a renowned International Conference on Prevention and Infection Control, promoted by the World Health Organization.ETS also participated in the ICPIC 2015 Congress in Geneva, Switzerland, with a dedicated symposium presentation on hand hygiene and a booth where visitors could obtain more information. A perfect opportunity to inform some of the 800 delegates attending to the Congress on following information: “Contamination [...]

The successful ETS participation at ICPIC 2015 Geneva2015-11-23T14:55:44+00:00
15 11, 2021

ETS attended the Hospitality Day – Rimini 12 October 2021


Because Hygiene in HORECA establishments is crucial for the Hospitality Sector, particularly in these days, ETS  attended the Hospitality Day in Rimini, which has taken place on October 12th 2021.  “The Hospitality Day is much more than a simple training day. Seminars held by international testimonials of the hotel and restaurant [...]

ETS attended the Hospitality Day – Rimini 12 October 20212021-11-15T16:44:34+00:00
17 11, 2009

Hygiene related studies


Published surveys and studies and ETS' viewpoint on the hygiene benefits of tissue. Environmental contamination by bacteria in hospital washrooms according to hand-drying method: a multicentre study (E. Best, P. Parnell, J. Couturier, F. Barbut, A. Le Bozec, L. Arnoldo, A. Madia, S. Brusaferro, M.H. Wilcox, published on The Journal of Hospital Infections, July 2018) [...]

Hygiene related studies2018-10-05T08:44:44+00:00
11 06, 2015

Cartoon Contest 2012


The jury session of the 2nd Edition of the ETS “WASH & DRY — paper means hygiene” Contest was held on Monday May 14th, 2012, at 11:00  with following conclusion:Academy SectionInternational Section1st Prize Stefania Potito Tree, Paper and Life1st Prize Gianlorenzo Ingrami ( Cecigian ) Fearless Hygiene ITALYVideo Section  1st Prize Luca Giovannardi Matteo Martin Paper [...]

Cartoon Contest 20122018-07-20T10:26:24+00:00
16 04, 2015

Position Paper about the Use of New and Recovered Fibre Types


As manufacturers of single use products, the Tissue Sector is committed to promoting sustainable development through its business activities and this includes the use of different fibre raw materials. The tissue industry makes a range of different products for different hygiene applications. The decision of a manufacturer to use recovered or new fibres depends upon [...]

Position Paper about the Use of New and Recovered Fibre Types2015-10-23T10:09:21+00:00
16 04, 2015

Official Recommendations


A number of very prestigious institutions have expressed their recommendations about hand drying. To examine each of them, please click on their links below to the respective pages:   KRINKO guidelines 2024 by (KRINKO) Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) GMS Hygiene and Infection Control - S2k-Guideline hand antisepsis and hand hygiene 2024 SARS–CoV-2 Occupational Safety Rule (Germany)-Superior [...]

Official Recommendations2024-09-10T14:16:50+00:00
14 04, 2015

International Organisations


ETS cooperates with different organizations at European and global level. The links and common programs with CEPI and EDANA are particularly strong, as CEPI represents the European Paper Industry and EDANA is the leading Association of the Nonwoven Industry.AIMCEPIEDANAERPC - European Paper Recycling AwardPaperloopProCartonTissue WorldHandwashingforlife

International Organisations2015-10-16T06:53:32+00:00
14 04, 2015

Profile of ETS


The European Tissue Symposium (ETS) is a Brussels based trade association of the European tissue paper industry.  Its members represent the majority of the tissue production throughout the EU.The objectives of ETS are:To monitor topics, events and developments which are of importance to the European tissue paper industry. To inform and advise the members of these events and [...]

Profile of ETS2015-07-31T17:13:27+00:00
20 08, 2019

Children who say hand dryers ‘hurt my ears’ are correct


Children who say hand dryers ‘hurt my ears’ are correct: A real-world study examining the loudness of automated hand dryers in public places Young Girl's Study On Hand Dryers Hurting Children's Ears Published In A Scientific Journal (from "Romper" Magazine)  Recently, a 13-year-old girl conducted a study on hand dryers and whether they hurt [...]

Children who say hand dryers ‘hurt my ears’ are correct2019-08-22T11:02:34+00:00
11 06, 2013

Scientific Literature on Hygienic Hand Drying – ETS Scientific Panel


List of Publications reviewed during Expert Panel Meeting on Hygienic Hand Drying on 20 March 2013 at the University of Leuven. NOTE: The publications dated after 2013 were assessed during later panel meetings and the Consensus Statement updated when new evidence warranted revision. Introduction to ETS:        See: General literature on hand washing and drying Bloomfield, [...]

Scientific Literature on Hygienic Hand Drying – ETS Scientific Panel2020-07-03T17:12:09+00:00