In spite of its apparent simple nature, tissue paper is a very complex product.
To properly understand and appreciate the properties of tissue, ETS as trade organization endeavors to provide as many insights about tissue as possible both to its members and to the outside world.
Hence, ETS has a keen interest in all relevant studies initiated by representative bodies and institutes in relation to tissue products. Moreover, the trade organization has initiated surveys and scientific studies on different aspects of Tissue, and in particular those aspects that are of high importance to the end-users.
As a result of the various surveys and scientific studies, ETS has developed communication materials on Hygiene for public dissemination and/or for use as position papers.
- Assessment of potential for viral contamination via aerosols generated during hand drying published Frontiers in Public Health, 2022)
- Read more on the Assessment of potential for viral Contamination 2022
- Air dispersal can be an important mechanism of dissemination of the well known MRSA (Meticillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus)(Hong Kong study published on the Journal of Hospital Infection 2022)
- Read more on Hong Kong Study 2022
- A new pilot study demonstrates that hand drying method can have a significant impact on transmission of microbes from hospital toilets to wards (Leeds General Infirmary – UK, 2021)
- Read more on Leeds General Infirmary Study 2021
- Environmental contamination by bacteria in hospital washrooms according to hand-drying method: a multicentre study (University of Leeds peer reviewed study 2018)
- Read more on University of Leeds peer reviewed study 2018
- Deposition of Bacteria and Bacterial Spores by Bathroom Hot Air Hand Dryers (University of Connecticut, Feb. 2018)
- Read more on the University of Connecticut study
- Comparison of different hand drying methods the potential for airborne microbe dispersal and contamination (University of Westminster peer reviewed study 2015)
- Read more on University of Westminster peer reviewed study
- Alcohol based disinfectant vs hand washing which fights noroviruses better (peer reviewed article 2015)
- read the page about the article
- Microbiological comparison of hand drying methods: the potential for contamination of the environment, user and bystander (University of Leeds peer reviewed study 2014)
- read more on Leeds University peer reviewed study
- Mayo Clinic Proceedings: the hygienic efficacy of different hand drying methods (a review of the evidence published in 2012)
- read the Mayo Clinic Proceedings article
- Eurofins-Inlab study that measured the microorganisms in washrooms equipped with different hand drying systems (2012)
- Read more on Eurofins-Inlab study
- Comparative Hygiene Study on four different hand drying methods: paper towel, continuous roller towel, warm air dryer, jet air dryer – UNIVERSITY of WESTMINSTER (2010)
- Multi-country survey on consumers’ preferences on different handdrying systems – INTERMETRA (June 2008)
- Read more on Intermetra study
- Comparative Hygiene Study on three different hand drying methods: paper towel, warm air dryer, jet air dryer – UNIVERSITY of WESTMINSTER (November 2008)
- Read more on UoW study
- Study of different hand drying methods. – TÜV (September 2005) “TÜV Study” – Study conducted with regard to the different methods used for drying hands (Sep 2005)
- Read more on TÜV study
- Hygiene evaluation of tissue handkerchief for nose cleaning – University of Erlangen (1994)
- Read More about Tissue Hygiene studies
Please see also:

The Handwashingforlife Institute is devoted to advancing the science of hand hygiene with the purpose of reducing the incidence of food borne illness and nosocomial infections caused by poor hand hygiene. It is a global organization in support of solving the common hand hygiene challenges around the world.
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