After the success of 2021 participation and because Hygiene in HORECA establishments is crucial for the Hospitality Sector, particularly in these days, ETS attended the Hospitality Day in Rimini, which has taken place on October 11th 2021.


Over 5.000 Enrolled
Over 200 Relators and over 200 Exhibitors and partners
ETS has distributed to the participants 1000 copies of a simple, 6 small pages, folded leaflet, summarizing few key elements:
- Hygiene is priceless in HORECA
- Air is a contamination vehicle
- Many studies prove it
- These the QRcodes to read them
- Mycrobic contamination can go beyond the bathroom
- QRcode of the ETS website
On the back of the leaflet an illustration of a key concept: “Paper, the sustainable material”
Importantly, the QRCodes printed on the small leaflet allowed the readers to link directly to the following pages of the ETS Website:
- A new pilot study demonstrates that hand drying method can have a significant impact on transmission of microbes from hospital toilets to wards
- Multisite hospital study demonstrates hand drying method can affect risk of bacterial dissemination in real world settings
- Single-use towels offer the most hygienic way to reduce the risk of the transmission of viruses when drying hands in the washroom
- Did you know that improper Hand-drying in public washroom facilities, especially in healthcare settings, could seriously affect your health?
This page is also available in: Italian