Drying Hands: User Preference.
According to Intermetra study, with hygiene top of mind, Europeans prefer to dry their hands with paper towels!

A survey  in 4 major European markets (Germany, France, UK and Sweden) demonstrates that for consumers the facilities of public restrooms are
of high importance, especially when it comes
to the device for drying hands.Elisa Canaglia: even young users prefer paper towels

28% of the users of public restrooms do not wish to dry their hands if they do not find a “suitable” hand drying device. Even as washing of hands is considered mandatory. 
Hygiene is considered the most important inductor for finding a hand drying system “suitable”. And paper hand towels provide the highest hygiene perception by almost all respondents (96%).

Overall, hygiene is considered the most important inductor for the liking or not liking of a drying device by almost all (95%) respondents. 
They do consider totally unacceptable textile towels that have already been used by others (72%) or devices that are unclean (59%).

Drying hand with tissue towels is perceived by the Users as giving the highest hygiene level (96%). These preferences are reconfirmed when they choose the systems they would want their children to use in schools.

Read the full report of the study about Drying Hands, User Preference:

Multi-country survey on consumers’ preferences on different handdrying systems – INTERMETRA  (June 2008)