A very interesting article has appeared on May 19, 2016 in the Blackdailynews section of the CBS website. To read the full article, please use the following link: http://www.blackdailynews.com/2-investigators-hand-dryer-harbors-dirty-secret/
The CBS 2 Investigators scraped, swabbed and collected grime from 12 Dyson Airblade hand dryers in the Chicago area, following the guidance and protocol set by Loyola University Medical Center’s microbiology lab.
Dr. Paul Schreckenberger and researcher Sam Collier conducted the lab tests. They found potentially harmful bacteria in most of the ones tested.
Read more details at the page: http://europeantissue.com/hygiene/studies/cbs-article-2-investigators-hand-dryers-harbor-dirty-secret/